Fruit or ornamental trees need to be cut regularly and this can be done by an expert like Earth Development for instance. January to March is the right time for it. Here are the best tips for a successful cut.

Abundant harvest: Especially fruit trees that are supposed to produce rich harvests need to be cut regularly. For apples, pear, or plum trees, the right time to cut is in the first months of the year.

Rest phase: cutting is carried out as long as the trees are not yet in the sap, i.e., during their rest phase. There should be no minus degrees. Otherwise, there is a risk of twigs and branches breaking. Rain is not good either, as the trees are susceptible to fungal attacks.

Correct dimension: When cutting is essential: both too little cut and a radical cut should be avoided. Around a third of the shoot can be shortened as a rule of thumb.

Tools: A saw is used to cut thick branches and pruning shears for thinner branches.

Deadwood: So-called dead wood must be removed without exception. You cut it off to the trunk or the next healthy branch.

Fruitwood remains: The “fruitwood” is always left standing in fruit trees.

Always away: Branches that grow inwards or vertically (upwards or downwards) or cross or rub against each other must also be removed.

Cuts: Large cuts (more than three square centimeters) must be coated with an appropriate tree paste. Otherwise, there is a risk of rot.

Important: Fruit and ornamental trees need a different cut: a substantial cut is good for the growth of the wood; less cut is good for the fruit set.

Young trees: young trees need special attention so that they can get really “in shape.” In the first year, you choose the main branch and shorten it; then, you look for three to four other important branches around the main branch. These are also shortened.

Taper cut: You shorten the side shoots by around a quarter if you want to form a tree crown. A so-called rejuvenation cut can be carried out on old trees with barely any new shoots – cutting back the entire crown by around a third.

Cutting in autumn: Not all trees and shrubs are cut in winter. Trees that grow early are best cut in autumn.

My Conclusion On The Pruning Of Trees

Tree pruning is essential for the visual aspect of your garden, but above all, for the health of your plants. For these to bloom and bear fruit for a long time, the pruning must be carried out conscientiously. The use of experts such Earth Development is strongly advised for your tree care.

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